Author Topic: Adding a condition  (Read 2307 times)

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Adding a condition
« on: 29 Dec 2016, 12:07 »
Hi Folks,

I want to add a condition to a trigger, but I am not sure how to word it. Please help if you can as follows:

I want to NOT bet on any race where the favourite has never had a start before. ie there are no form figures.

How do I stipulate the silk_form variable in the condition?

AND favourite's silk_form_1 is equal to ? Is it "", or 0, or what is blank (null) in this context?
AND favourite's silk_form_2 is equal to ?
AND favourite's silk_form_3 is equal to ?

or could I just put

AND favourite's silk_form is equal to ? blank (null) as above

I'm hoping someone can help, so thanks in advance.


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  • Posts: 234
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Re: Adding a condition
« Reply #1 on: 29 Dec 2016, 13:43 »
Apologies. Went back to re-read the manual and found my answer.

No need to respond now.

Happy days.


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Re: Adding a condition
« Reply #2 on: 01 Jan 2017, 17:00 »

I'm glad you sorted it out (well done!).

Just want to drop a line for those who might be looking for a solution on the forum.

If you want to check whether the favourite has never had its form recorded before, use this condition:

Selection's Trigger Expression silk_form_length is equal to 0
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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