Author Topic: asking for separate price on each selection  (Read 3305 times)

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asking for separate price on each selection
« on: 10 Sep 2018, 20:07 »
OK, I have joined a Laying service, and I receive the selections by email. Against each horse is the price at the time of sending.
So, if I have the following

18.15 Chelmsford - Fognini (1.92)
18.45 Chelmsford - Missy Mischief (1.71)

Is it possible to ask for 1.92 and 1.71 on these 2 horses via a trigger?



  • Élite
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Re: asking for separate price on each selection
« Reply #1 on: 10 Sep 2018, 21:29 »
you would have to change the   18.15 Chelmsford - Fognini (1.92)   to
Fognini    1.92    (the space is tab)
you then import the selections and have a lay trigger with an action    lay  price import_1  amount (your set amount) 

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Re: asking for separate price on each selection
« Reply #2 on: 10 Sep 2018, 21:39 »
Hi mcbee,

Thanks for the response.

I haven't actually previously used the import selections. Is there an option to auto load these, when opening the profile?

On the same subject, I am wanting to lay to liability, and my usual trick, if I am not using Lay at SP, is LiabilityAmount/(lay_price - 1), so, if I were to use LiabilityAmount(import_1 - 1), will that work?



  • Élite
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Re: asking for separate price on each selection
« Reply #3 on: 11 Sep 2018, 02:05 »
after starting the profile select Import selections for auto trading and it will load all the matching selection , you can set it to reimport every x seconds .
as for laying to liability type (your set amount or variable)/(imported_1-1) in the amount box , do not change the price leave it as import_1

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Re: asking for separate price on each selection
« Reply #4 on: 11 Sep 2018, 15:54 »

I attempted to use the import selections, where I add in the price I want after a tab, but, from the image, you can see that it hasn't worked out. I had to do it manually.

Can anybody see any errors on my part?



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Re: asking for separate price on each selection
« Reply #5 on: 11 Sep 2018, 16:20 »
Ahhh, I found what the problem is....

I was using your first reply, which says import_1, but looking at your second response, it is imported_1

The selections' race time had already passed, but, just as a test, I changed import_1 to imported_1, and asked for a very low price, which would not get matched, and it worked as hoped.

Thanks again for your help


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Re: asking for separate price on each selection
« Reply #6 on: 11 Sep 2018, 16:31 »
I now have another question, related to this...

As you may have noticed, I am using a trigger to cancel the lay if it hasnt been matched at the asked for price. I then go on to place a lay at SP....

There has been a revision to the selections bet criteria, see below..

3.45 Leicester - Equilateral (1.63) Lay up to 1.9
* Lay up to  - If the lay price exceeds the quoted odds then its a no bet.

So, my thinking is that I can lay it, asking for imported_1, and then, at a few seconds before the scheduled race takes off, if the lay bet has not been matched, I can then use a lay at SP, with a price limit of imported_2, with my standard liability amount.

Will this work?

If so, then, how many imported_x values can I use?



  • Élite
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Re: asking for separate price on each selection
« Reply #7 on: 11 Sep 2018, 20:51 »
sorry my laptop crashed this morning and it will not restart due to the cpu failing so i have no triggers or info , i am using a very slow old laptop , all i can say is try imported_1 then 2 etc to see what happens.

Please read the following  disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: asking for separate price on each selection
« Reply #8 on: 11 Sep 2018, 21:56 »
hi mcbee,

Really sorry to read about your laptop failing, for me this is probably the worst thing that could happen, bar none. I hope you can get a replacement CPU to fix this, and hope this doesn't mean you have to get a new laptop.

I decided to do that anyway, and I now have a number of different strategies using the same import file, and my triggers look for a specific value in imported_5, specific to that strategy.

I wish I had known about this, or should I say I wish I had tried this previously. My triggers would have been easier, so many more things I can do now that I have this 'new' ability. I could never get the little acorns system trigger to work as it relied on getting updated stake values from excel. I can now have an imported file with tabbed values, and I can update the file upon a win/loss, with the updated stake.

So, your suggestion to use imported_x values, has had a compounding good effect

I wish you well with your laptop woes




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