Author Topic: Betting below minimum  (Read 1777 times)

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Betting below minimum
« on: 14 Nov 2014, 11:42 »
Hi I am having problems with betting below minimum stake with duitching, when i don't allow small bets every single bet is matched and in fact it is quicker than both ver 6 and 7, when i allow small bets the problems start, there is always one bet left unmatched, all the below minimum bets are matched but at least one of the bigger stake bets are left unmatched, obviousy the smaller bets are matched first, but with version 8 looks like it waits half a second or so before it bets on the bigger stakes. I know in vers 6 and 7 all bets were submitted at the same time. Just wondered if anyone else is finding this, perhaps it is just how the new api system operates.


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