Author Topic: engineering mode  (Read 2982 times)

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engineering mode
« on: 22 Mar 2013, 11:38 »
when in engineering mode, which is really useful, is it somehow possible to only show those boxes that have a value / formula?

it would be handy if you can go into settings and when you put, say, X in a box the box doesn't show up when you're in engineering mode.

any thoughts on this.

also, has anyone noticed that the refresh of pro-7 is significantly slower than pro-6?


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Re: engineering mode
« Reply #1 on: 23 Mar 2013, 19:48 »

has anyone noticed that the refresh of pro-7 is significantly slower than pro-6?

The connection monitor in V7 was greatly improved over V6.5, with great importance placed on not exceeding the settings limit for data requests. My understanding is that ALL requests are placed in a common queue and are throttled to the Connection Monitor setting. Also, some requests are weighted as 5 requests, so the limit can very quickly be reached. This may cause some bottlenecking, especially if many markets are being monitored.

If you need to refresh markets a high rate, it might be an idea to check and switch off options that are not needed for the current market but consume data requests e.g. silks, market score, market locator, dual wallet update etc., the idea being to give as many requests that are available within the limit to the currently refreshing market.
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