Author Topic: Error in trigger expression of price or amount when IF statement evaluates to 0 in repeating trigger  (Read 2359 times)

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  • Posts: 47

I have a trigger set to repeat every 30 seconds with this statement in the amount field

IF(current_bet > s_1_profit_loss, current_bet - s_1_profit_loss, 0)

If the current_bet value (a user variable set when there is a settled market) is greater than the profit_loss on the market being monitored, it places a bet, either the full amount of current_bet, or enough to make up the amount so the profit_loss matches the current_bet value.

That works fine, until the two amounts match or profit_loss is greater and it then should just stop and do nothing, which it does but in the log it says 'error in trigger expression of price or amount' , and the trigger doesn't then place bets if the current_bet value is increased?

What I want to happen is if the current_bet value is increased (by a loss in another market), the trigger will then place bets again to bring the profit_loss up to match the current_bet value.

  • Élite
  • Posts: 3698
  • Gender: Male
sometimes you could have a bet amount less than .01, so it will give an error.
so you need to add your formula as a condition to make sure that the bet amount is .01 or greater.

and selections trigger expression IF(current_bet > s_1_profit_loss, current_bet - s_1_profit_loss, 0) is equal or greater than .01

so the trigger wil only bet if the bet amount is eqaul or greater than .01

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