Author Topic: Error opening file for writing  (Read 3929 times)

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Error opening file for writing
« on: 25 Feb 2018, 10:09 »

Having real trouble with the software now.

Trying to run time machine and it seems to be lagging then it stops working completely and crashes. This is on both my desktop and laptop - same thing happens. 

Tried to update MFPro to and I get the same error message again for both desktop and laptop.

Error opening file for writing 

Anyone have any ideas why I'm having these issues? Am I creating my own issues by running versions on laptop, desktop and VPS?

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Re: Error opening file for writing
« Reply #1 on: 25 Feb 2018, 11:14 »
looks to me you have an instance of feeder8.exe running and you would need to close it to allow the update to work.

download the update then close market feeder then run the setup file

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Re: Error opening file for writing
« Reply #2 on: 25 Feb 2018, 11:24 »
I've just tried again on my laptop with MFPro closed and same thing happens.

I have got versions running on a VPS  - could this be the issue?

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Re: Error opening file for writing
« Reply #3 on: 25 Feb 2018, 13:46 »
Are you sure their isn't a version mimised to the RH tray or hidden apps box.  They are put there if you click the 45 deg back arrow next to the usual minimise and close buttons?

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Re: Error opening file for writing
« Reply #4 on: 25 Feb 2018, 14:28 »
Just checked and there's nothing minimized.

BUT, just checked running processes in task manager and there was some kind of Marketfeeder Pro process running. 

Closed it down and i'll report back if it now works

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Re: Error opening file for writing
« Reply #5 on: 25 Feb 2018, 14:33 »
ah haaaa...................

Update file has now processed no problem. I'll check if that was the problem with running time machine.


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Re: Error opening file for writing
« Reply #6 on: 25 Feb 2018, 14:36 »
Nope, time machine just crashed on me.

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Re: Error opening file for writing
« Reply #7 on: 26 Feb 2018, 07:53 »
You are obviously installing all instances in the same folder and trying to run them from there.

The Time Machine database is stored in the same place, so when you are trying to access it using several instances at the same time, of course it gives you an error and crashes.

To resolve this problem, you must copy the Time Machine database in a separate folder for each instance you are running and specify that path in each settings profile you are using.

So go to this folder:

1. c:\Users\%username%\MarketFeeder Pro 8\timemachine\

2. Create a folder elsewhere, for example, c:\Users\%username%\MarketFeeder Pro 8\timemachine2.

3. Copy (not move!) tm.db from timemachine to timemachine2.

4. Start one of the instances of MF Pro. Open Settings and switch to the Time Machine tab. Enter the path "c:\Users\%username%\MarketFeeder Pro 8\timemachine2" into the text field titled "Path to the folder where the database file is stored".

5. Save the Settings and restart that instance.

Here is what the Time Machine manual says about this option:

You can optionally store your Time Machine database file in a customized directory. This file can quickly inflate to tens of gigabytes, so you might want to specify a designated location for its storage (maybe even on an external medium). Specify the path to a custom folder where you want to store the file. Please note you will have to stop MF Pro, manually copy your database to that folder and then restart the program. You will see the instructions on the screen once you have chosen the new folder path.

It is very important to make sure that you have system a permission to write into that folder (either set that permission yourself or ask your system administrator to do so).

Repeat these steps with each instance you intend to use. Make sure each settings profile links to a different path!

Mind you, the database file is huge, so you might want to check if there is enough disk space to store all its copies. Also, keep in mind that if you download some markets into one of the instances, you will need to copy the updated tm.db file to all other destinations for the new markets to appear in those copies.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Re: Error opening file for writing
« Reply #8 on: 26 Feb 2018, 07:59 »
Morning Oxa

I'll give what you say a go but I'm not running multiple instances of time machine at the same time just MFPro and other than the error 5 issues on my VPS they work fine and dandy.

I'll report back when I've followed your advice


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Re: Error opening file for writing
« Reply #9 on: 26 Feb 2018, 08:27 »
Hi Oxa

Time machine still appears to be running really slow and unresponsive. It seems to be doing what it should but when running in fast mode it seems to lag and I can't stop markets running or pause it.

Do you think it might be some kind of problem my end? My processor is 2.7 and ram is 8gb - could I have issues with my desktop?


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Re: Error opening file for writing
« Reply #10 on: 26 Feb 2018, 08:47 »
Right, it does indeed appear to be my hardware that is the problem. Closed all MFPro instances on VPS and opened Time Machine - works no problem. No lagging and responds to requests.

Both my laptop and desktop seem to now struggle with running time machine when previously (couple of weeks ago) it worked fine.

Anyone have any suggestions where I should start?

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Re: Error opening file for writing
« Reply #11 on: 26 Feb 2018, 09:06 »
Interestingly, I was never able to run TM on Windows 10 or less, satisfactorily.  These operating systems just seem to get more and more cluttered with rubbish that everything slows down and becomes unresponsive.  I have a very hi-spec laptop with a Core i7, but for the last year I have not been able to use W10 on it productively.  I now only use Linux/Ubuntu on my laptop (still have access to W10 files), but I have a VPS running Windows Server 2012 R2  where everything runs like lightning.  I believe I would need to do a fresh Windows 10 install to get satisfactory running again on the laptop.

So my advice is use your VPS for running any critical Windows applications and  your laptop/desktop as access devices and install a Linux/Ubuntu partition for general browsing etc.

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Re: Error opening file for writing
« Reply #12 on: 26 Feb 2018, 09:49 »
Ok, I'll look into that. Have to run time machine whilst normal MFPro activities are not on.


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Re: Error opening file for writing
« Reply #13 on: 27 Feb 2018, 09:06 »
I noticed that recently BetFair started providing historical markets with a large amount of data, e.g. 20-30 MB per market. This may add to the general load on your computer as Time Machine has to process huge amounts of data in real time or even in fast mode.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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