Author Topic: Excel  (Read 2108 times)

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« on: 24 May 2018, 12:54 »

After not having success with the response given from Oxa (Thanks), via SP betting, I suspect this question has been asked to death, so I cannot continue with it as I am wasting time.

So, next, I decided on doing something else, such that I use excel. Last night, I loaded up a profile that uses excel, set the cell values I wanted through the excel settings.

I then setup references to the cell, in constants, using the cell_SHEET_cellLocation format.

When I did this last night, it worked fine, but, after loading the profile again today, I am now getting nothing back, even though I changed absolutely nothing. Last night, I had success, but if you look at the image, when I changed the value in Cell B1, this was reflected in the user variable (Last night), and the trigger variable, but today, this is not working. I have set the market to be active, in case that is any query on my actions. Unfortunately, I cannot show the 'working' version, as I had no thought to contact support for something that was working.

I use Excel 2007.

Can anybody help please, because the documentation is not giving me answers.



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Re: Excel
« Reply #1 on: 25 May 2018, 11:08 »
Sorry, you will need to submit a trigger request for us to look into your triggers and detect what is going wrong, unless other members of the forum are willing to help of course.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Re: Excel
« Reply #2 on: 26 May 2018, 13:20 »
Hi Oxa,

Thanks for the response. I am NOT asking for help on my trigger, I think I am reasonably proficient in this now.

What I am trying to achieve, is not updating my trigger, it is communicating with Excel, and the simplest thing I wish to do is just look at a value in the excel sheet, reference A1, or even B1, or C1, etc...

I ran the routine that night before, and when I set a variable in the constants section, I asked asked for cell_fibSequence_B1, it showed its value, and when I changed the value in the sheet, that new value was shown in the user variables.

Try and do the same now, and it doesnt show anything..

I have designed a trigger to reference values in the excel sheet, fibSequence, but, I am getting nothing back.

I fully accept that this is an error on my part, BUT, I have no idea how to fix it. Even setting up a new profile, and connecting to an excel sheet is not showing anything...




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