Author Topic: Follow the favourite pre event and bet in play at odds  (Read 4560 times)

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  • Posts: 60
Hi to all.

Im trying to make a trigger that bet in play to the favourite back selection at certain odds.

For example i have the next soccer match

Sao Paulo: 1.64
Draw: 4.1
Internacional: 6.4

Im trying to make a lay bet if the favourite pre event (Sao Paulo), reach the odds between 2 and 3. Im trying to folow Sao Paulo at in play.

Is possible do this? Can someone help me?

Very thanks!


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Re: Follow the favourite pre event and bet in play at odds
« Reply #1 on: 13 Nov 2014, 00:19 »
have a trigger to record the first favourites index.
new trigger
set user variable, name fi , value sel_index , individualy for each market
conditions, and selections rank is equal to 1
in you betting trigger have the condition
and trigger (name of your set user variable trigger) number of runs is greater than 0
and selections index is equal to fi
then your other conditions

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  • Posts: 60
Re: Follow the favourite pre event and bet in play at odds
« Reply #2 on: 14 Nov 2014, 21:48 »
Very thanks mcbee.

Perfect solution! ;D


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