Author Topic: Getting started with Excel export  (Read 3133 times)

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Getting started with Excel export
« on: 02 Jun 2014, 19:07 »
I have recently returned to MarketFeeder after a couple of years on other projects, and have run into some problems which are probably very simple to resolve. Can anyone assist?

When I last used the program I made some extensive notes on setting the Excel link up for soccer games. Unfortunately I can no longer get this going. I don't think it's a machine-specific issue as the problem occurs on three separate PCs. Here are the specifics:

1. I am trying to export live data to Excel (pre-play and in-play odds, scores where a game has started, etc) by using Settings/Excel to link cell addresses with various variables, eg

A3: s_1_back_price

For A2 and A3, the Excel cell just displays the name of the variable, eg 's_1_back_price', not the actual price eg '2.34'. What setting has to be enabled to make this work?

2. More generally, is there a working example or a walk-through showing how to write live data to Excel? I've been through the manual, the website and the support forums without success.

3. Where can I find the names and the naming conventions for the various variables? Eg 's_1_back_price' is the most recent back price for the home team, but where is this documented?

Many thanks for your help


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Re: Getting started with Excel export
« Reply #1 on: 08 Jun 2014, 08:10 »
Hi Andrew,

Thanks for getting back to MF Pro. Please see below.

A3: s_1_back_price

For A2 and A3, the Excel cell just displays the name of the variable, eg 's_1_back_price', not the actual price eg '2.34'. What setting has to be enabled to make this work?

I looked into the code and it turns out this sort of variable (starting with s_ and r_) does not get evaluated correctly in custom cells, although it should. I will make a fix at once and will include it in the next program's update. Meanwhile I can suggest a temporary workaround: change the address of the cell to S[column]:1, where [column] is some column in the market sheet unoccupied with other cells, for example column O which is number 14, so it would look like this:


This way the program will populate the selected column with the value of your variable. You can ignore all cells inside that column except the one in the forth row, so you would address the cell where your variable sits as O4. This looks a bit lame, but it is working. Again, this concerns only the variables starting with s_ or r_, all other market variables should be working normally.

2. More generally, is there a working example or a walk-through showing how to write live data to Excel? I've been through the manual, the website and the support forums without success.

I will soon record a video with a demonstration. Basically here are the steps:

1. You start MF Pro and then press the "Launch Excel" link to connect the program to Excel. If there is already a sheet open, the program will ask whether you want to connect to that or to create a new workbook.

2. You then add markets to MF Pro. They will appear in the Excel book automatically. Although, if you have custom cells configured, those will be added to Excel automatically as well. All data in the corresponding market sheet will be updated after each refresh.

3. Depending on your needs, you can utilise those data through triggers or by writing your own Excel macros.

If there is anything else in between these steps that you'd like to clarify on, please let me know.

3. Where can I find the names and the naming conventions for the various variables? Eg 's_1_back_price' is the most recent back price for the home team, but where is this documented?

It's all in the manual's chapter "Triggered Betting - Reference - Variables". Then you choose the right type of variables and get the list of all possible variables and prefixes that can be used with them. For a quick reference you can also use the Formula Builder which opens up any time you're trying to edit a value in the Triggers Editor.

Also, if you open the manual and switch to the Index tab above the list of contents, you can start typing a variable, and the help file software will suggest an existing variable which starts with that pattern.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Re: Getting started with Excel export
« Reply #2 on: 08 Jun 2014, 08:54 »
Excellent, thanks very much for the clarification and work-around. I had gone back to using version 6 of the program (for which this functionality does work). Could you kindly notify me when the fixed version is available?

I will also follow up the suggested manual links.

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Re: Getting started with Excel export
« Reply #3 on: 27 Jun 2014, 10:52 »
Hi spiggytopes,

The fixed update is now available, please upgrade your MF Pro.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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