Author Topic: Help - (now_time-timer)/mf_second  (Read 2770 times)

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Help - (now_time-timer)/mf_second
« on: 20 Oct 2021, 09:19 »

I have a trigger, for horse racing, that I want to fire after 5 seconds if the conditions are met. This is what I have:

set user variable
Name timer Value now_time Individually per selection

In the conditions section I have this among others:

" and Selections Trigger Expression (now_time-timer)/mf_second is greater than waiting_time" (waiting_time is a constant that I have - 5 sec.)

How can I confirm that the trigger will fire after this 5 seconds (waiting_time) that I have? Is there a some kind of counter that allow us to see those time? Because I think the trigger fires before to reach those 5 sec.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Best regards,

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Re: Help - (now_time-timer)/mf_second
« Reply #1 on: 20 Oct 2021, 11:12 »
waiting_time constant should be a positive number, from your post it looks like - 5 (negative)?

to see the timer working put (now_time-timer)/mf_second in an Engineer Mode cell.
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Re: Help - (now_time-timer)/mf_second
« Reply #2 on: 20 Oct 2021, 11:24 »
Thanks MarkV... It´s not negative. It was just to break apart.

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Re: Help - (now_time-timer)/mf_second
« Reply #3 on: 20 Oct 2021, 14:36 »
Hello again... I managed to put in the Engineer Mode cell that timer working... All fine, but it´s not what I want. I mean, I have a condition that if a horse goes under ou over a certain odd the timer begins to count, but if the odd reverse the timer doesn´t stop. It continuos counting.

I need that if the odds reverse, the timer begins again.... Is it possibleto do this?

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Re: Help - (now_time-timer)/mf_second
« Reply #4 on: 20 Oct 2021, 17:16 »
Different kind of timer / counter. Please see attached screenshot.

Market refresh rate 1 second. Put user variable dc in engineer mode to see it.
The trigger counts seconds all the time price is below 2.00.
If price rises above 2.00 variable dc resets to 0   
Betting trigger condition: dc is greater than x

You can make a similar trigger for an upwards counter
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Re: Help - (now_time-timer)/mf_second
« Reply #5 on: 21 Oct 2021, 06:37 »
Thanks MarkV. But the example you show is exactly the opposite that I want. Maybe I didn't explain myself very well....

When the odd rises above @2.0 the counter will start and if the odd remains more than x seconds above @2.0, it will fire the trigger. 

Then if the odd goes back below @2.0, after the bet was matched, it will start a new counter and make a stoploss if the odd belows under @2.0 more than x seconds.

I hope you can understand (sorry my bad English).....

In your answer I have 2 doubts.

One is to put dc variable in engineer mode. I write dc in that field and when it starts to count appears to me dc+1, dc+4, dc+6, etc.... Is that what is supposed to show up?

The other one is "Betting trigger condition: dc is greater than x".... Can you show me an example?

I think what is missing is a few details, that´s why I´m asking help here and not in the section "Make me a trigger"..... Maybe is better to ask to someone make this trigger.... Or you can help here?


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Re: Help - (now_time-timer)/mf_second
« Reply #6 on: 21 Oct 2021, 10:50 »
Please see attached screenshots:

Engineer mode column 1 is number of seconds above price 2.00 user variable uc
Engineer mode column 2 is number of seconds below price 2.00 user variable dc

and Counters triggers.

in the downwards counter trigger you can add a condition for matched lay bet:
and selections lay matched is greater than 0
this is for your stoploss

if you are betting above 2.00 condition for betting trigger is:
and selections trigger expression uc is greater than x

stoploss below 2.00 condition is:
and selections trigger expression dc is greater than x

yes, if you want a trigger written for you then it would be a trigger request in make me a trigger.

hope this helps 


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Re: Help - (now_time-timer)/mf_second
« Reply #7 on: 22 Oct 2021, 00:38 »
Thank you MarkV.... I managed to put this trigger working like I wanted.... Well, not perfect.... Now I need to make the right adjustments to put this trigger making money...... :):):)

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Re: Help - (now_time-timer)/mf_second
« Reply #8 on: 22 Oct 2021, 09:14 »
Can you  enlighten me why the market refresh rate must be in 1 sec.? 

Another doubt is when you are triyng new methods in the Timemachine..... Is there some difference in the bets if we test them in normal speed or in fast speed?


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Re: Help - (now_time-timer)/mf_second
« Reply #9 on: 22 Oct 2021, 17:07 »
Refresh rate of 1 sec or less for the "no more often than 1 sec" repeating triggers to be accurate, but you can experiment with refresh rates and see if it does what you want.

TM speeds here is a good topic to read  

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