Author Topic: MFP 8 and Excel  (Read 5991 times)

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MFP 8 and Excel
« on: 13 Nov 2014, 01:37 »
I have installed MFP 8 on my laptop. No problems at all with the installation.


I have just tried to "Launch Excel" and received the following error message in an Error box:

Unable to open an Excel spreadsheet. Please make sure that you have installed MS Excel 2000 or later version.

I have Excel 2010, so should be no problems there.

As I need to import my selections, any assistance will be appreciated.


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Re: MFP 8 and Excel
« Reply #1 on: 13 Nov 2014, 02:07 »
Sorry, just noticed Murf is having the same difficulty (12 Nov 2014) with same error message, although I am not on a remote server - just sitting at home.


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Re: MFP 8 and Excel
« Reply #2 on: 15 Nov 2014, 21:43 »
Just installed v8.0.0.7 and it seems to have fixed the Excel problem.

Still a few peculiar things happening with the program, (eg automatic uploading of races using mlocator seems to fail intermittently, and date and time of some races reverts back to year 1899 for some reason) but at least it is workable while the smallish bugs are fixed.


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Re: MFP 8 and Excel
« Reply #3 on: 16 Nov 2014, 04:56 »
Well, that didn't last long.

Started it up again for another session and the Excel problem is back.

Same error message as before - can't seem to recognise my Excel 2010.

Bit of a nightmare at the moment.


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Re: MFP 8 and Excel
« Reply #4 on: 16 Nov 2014, 07:06 »
I use Excel 2007 and all is good.
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Re: MFP 8 and Excel
« Reply #5 on: 16 Nov 2014, 22:06 »
Yes, for a number of other reasons I wish I had remained with Excel 2007, but that option is long gone now.

I've had 2010 for well over two years, and am almost used to it!

I have MFP 8 on a desktop, and there is no problem.

I have MFP 8 on my laptop, and that is where the problem seems to lie.

Any suggestions would be appreciated while Oxa and the group grapple with all the other bugs.


To Oxa or Tim, any chance of a fix to my Excel problem soon?

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Re: MFP 8 and Excel
« Reply #6 on: 18 Nov 2014, 08:03 »
Has someone tried this with Excel 2013 yet? I'm not sure if it has been tested to work.
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Re: MFP 8 and Excel
« Reply #7 on: 01 Dec 2014, 22:43 »
I am still having this problem on my laptop.

MFP can't seem to recognise Excel 2010 and won't link to the spreadsheet from where I import my selections.

I have written to support but no reply.

I have used this forum but no solution has been forthcoming.

The only way it seems to work is if I reinstall MFP 8 every betting session - and that is a real pain.

Any suggestions?


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Re: MFP 8 and Excel
« Reply #8 on: 15 Dec 2014, 19:18 »
I am about to upgrade from 2007 to 2010. Is the a generic problem or isolated.
Will this upgrade be the end of my MFPro/Excel days?
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Re: MFP 8 and Excel
« Reply #9 on: 15 Dec 2014, 20:55 »
Hi londolozi
Excel 2010 works fine, a locally installed Office suite that is. I can't say for Office 365.

Are you able to re-install or repair your MS Office? I think something is not right with your Office software installation rather than MFP. Also as a workaround for importing your selections, perhaps export your selections from Excel to a text file and import that text file into MFP?
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Re: MFP 8 and Excel
« Reply #10 on: 17 Dec 2014, 05:25 »
Thanks Londo,

The problem only occurs on my laptop - it is working fine on the desktop.

It has only ever occurred since the installation of MFP 8, hence my thoughts that it relates only to MFP 8.

I am quite happy to reinstall Office 2010 if thought necessary.

I calculate my selections on the desktop, save the selections in Notepad to a stick, and import them onto my laptop, which I use to place my bets.

Excel is used to maintain my stats and profit/loss.

The really unusual thing about the problem is that if I reinstall MFP 8 and Excel is open during the installation, it will connect. But as soon as I close for the day, recognition will not occur next time I open MFP 8.

One of life's peculiarities.



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