Author Topic: Not taking SP in MFP 8  (Read 2442 times)

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Not taking SP in MFP 8
« on: 16 Nov 2014, 02:10 »

Ive just noticed bets unmatched are cancelled at inplay rather than take SP
Using same trigger as in previous MFP version, confirmed in the trigger itself to "Take SP"

"Bet is unmatched. If unmatched, bet will be cancelled at In-Play. The bet was placed/cancelled by Trigger "

Anyone getting this??

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Re: Not taking SP in MFP 8
« Reply #1 on: 16 Nov 2014, 02:37 »
Just a quick follow up, takes SP in Aus markets, not in US.

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Re: Not taking SP in MFP 8
« Reply #2 on: 16 Nov 2014, 09:58 »
Hi SteveB,
Yes, I can confirm this for AUS markets in real and test modes. You'd better report this to the support department.


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Re: Not taking SP in MFP 8
« Reply #3 on: 18 Nov 2014, 08:02 »
This was possibly due to a maintenance. Everything has been working quite well today.
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