Author Topic: Possible error in test mode  (Read 2586 times)

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Possible error in test mode
« on: 20 Aug 2017, 03:22 »

I'm in test mode. I have a strategy that places a back bet on a horse race. Between when I place the bet and when the race is settled, the Market Locator fires up (I have the setting monitor options set to reload markets every six minutes).

When the market locator completes, the race with the test back bet is no longer in the list of My Markets. The bet does not show up on the list of Current Bets, and the bet is not resolved, that is, the amount of the bet is not subtracted from the test balance, nor is the amount of the win added. It's as though the bet was never placed.

Maybe a suggestion: when market locator adds markets to My Markets, NEVER remove a market that has a bet on it.

In any case, are there settings I can choose that will keep market locator from "losing" my test bets?

Jim Vincent

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Re: Possible error in test mode
« Reply #1 on: 20 Aug 2017, 07:51 »
in your Market Locator Template there is a checkbox: Clear My Markets first, if you untick it and save all should be well.
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Re: Possible error in test mode
« Reply #2 on: 20 Aug 2017, 10:04 »

Thanks for your reply. 

I have unticked that box but the problem persists. Markets with bets on them are removed from My Markets when Market Locator runs between the time the bet is placed and the market is settled. The problem is horrendous when my strategy bets on Soccer games, as Market Locator will certainly run at least once during each game.

Can you please change Market Locator so that no market with bets is ever removed from My Markets, even if "Clear my markets first" is ticked, in both Test and Real modes.


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Re: Possible error in test mode
« Reply #3 on: 23 Aug 2017, 16:35 »

I changed my monitor market locator settings to not delete and replace and that seems to help a bit.

But SUGGESTION: Please change whatever necessary so markets that are NOT SETTLED and have BETS are never removed from MY MARKETS.

It would really make a difference in being able to see the results of individual races.



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