Author Topic: Problems with tennis triggers  (Read 2342 times)

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Problems with tennis triggers
« on: 09 Sep 2015, 19:43 »
I tried to make some triggers for tennis, but it seems that mfp not work correctly or I made some mistakes.
I loaded some Set betting markets and put condition
Market's betting code is Set Betting (tennis) , but I always getting FALSE. Anyone can tell me where is a mistake? When I try Market's betting code is Match Odds(soccer & tennis) then there is no problem for Match odds markets

Also tried to make triggers regarding to current score but have no success. How to put condition that set score is 1-0 ?
I tried
 Selection's trigger expression  tennis_player{1}_sets_won is equal to 1
 Selection's trigger expression  tennis_player{2}_sets_won is equal to 0
but again got FALSE although current score was 1-0 in sets.


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Re: Problems with tennis triggers
« Reply #1 on: 09 Sep 2015, 20:31 »
for the variables it should be:

and for the betting code condition I get the same as you when I test it (condition is always FALSE)
but you can do a workaround using something like this:
and selections trigger expression tennis4_s_1_back_price is greater than 0
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Re: Problems with tennis triggers
« Reply #2 on: 11 Sep 2015, 20:04 »
Thanks Mark, you are very helpful as always. Someone should check why betting code for Set betting never work. I used your suggestion with tennis_4 , but also  Market's name contains "Set Betting" can be used.


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