  • #1 by liltbrockie on 04 Oct 2018
  • Hey... 

    If I have remembered a selection... Say for example half the runners at random... How can I tell, later on in the race, if my remembered selection now contains members who are now ranked at least 1st and 2nd? (not bothered where the remainder are ranked) I just need a conditions that say yep.. From your remembered selection there are members you are now ranked 1 and 2..

  • #2 by liltbrockie on 04 Oct 2018
  • *who
  • #3 by pfc on 05 Oct 2018
  • Would it be (name of remembered trigger)_sel_order ?
  • #4 by Oxa (WellDoneSoft) on 05 Oct 2018
  • Hello!

    There is no need to actually remember any selections in this case.

    Just run a trigger, any action, on the selections you want to check out later, e.g.:

    Trigger name: choosing the qualifying selections
    Action: set user variable, Name: qualifies, Value: 1
    All Matching Selections
    In the conditions, key in the criteria for these selections.

    In the next trigger check the following:

    Trigger "choosing the qualifying selections" Number of runs per selection is greater than 0
    and Selection's Rank is between 1 and 2