  • #1 by stevetrade on 19 Jun 2020
  • Hi,
    I was testing a trigger on the Real Madrid - Valencia match last night and I believe the Valencia goal ruled out by VAR showed in Market Feeder as a goal for a period of time. Does this happen? If so is there a way to work around it please?
  • #2 by Oxa (WellDoneSoft) on 20 Jun 2020
  • Was the goal rolled back in MF Pro eventually?
  • #3 by stevetrade on 20 Jun 2020
  • Yes, but a trigger had already seen it.
  • #4 by Oxa (WellDoneSoft) on 20 Jun 2020
  • In this case there's hardly anything we can do: the goal was first determined as scored and the trigger used this information. Even if later the goal was voided, you can't undo this action, just like you wouldn't be able to undo a bet placed on BF's website. This happens from time to time.