Author Topic: Recalc target profit at midnight  (Read 1556 times)

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Recalc target profit at midnight
« on: 20 Aug 2019, 14:24 »
Really pulling my hair out here... this should be so simple but my mind has gone blank..!

I need to recalculate a TARGET profit for the day at midnight or as close to after 00:00 as possible.

How on earth do I do it??! reliably!

I could have a trigger which does it between the times of 00:00 and 00:10 but what if there are no markets in that time? What if there are TWO markets in that time and it recalculates it twice?

  • All members
  • Posts: 347
Re: Recalc target profit at midnight
« Reply #1 on: 20 Aug 2019, 14:32 »
aha I can use total_won can't I!?

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Re: Recalc target profit at midnight
« Reply #2 on: 22 Aug 2019, 21:19 »

If you set a trigger to be executed once per 3 minutes and add the condition that checks the current time is between 00:00:00 and 00:05:00, then trigger will be only executed once.

But yes, you will need a market (any market) to be refreshed at that time, for triggers only work in refreshing markets.

aha I can use total_won can't I!?

I guess you can, but I'm not sure for what purpose.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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