Author Topic: Referring to unmatched trigger bet and price movement  (Read 3734 times)

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Just enquiring as to whether there is an expression that can be used to remember or refer to a bet made by a speific trigger without using the remember function and  also how to express in a trigger condition that the price has gone in the wrong direction in reference to an unmatched lay bet placed by a trigger that is sitting in the market.

For example if I have Trigger A which will fire a back bet @ the lay price if certain conditions are met. If the bet is unmatched and the price moves 1-tick in the wrong direction, then I want to cancel the bet.

Can a cancel command refer to a trigger expression condition spefically made by Trigger A? For example Selections trigger_expression Trigger A Back Unmatched =0?

I have been using the remember command (Rem), with back_unmatched = 0 but I am having trouble expressing that the price is gone in the wrong direction. Any suggestions welcome.



  • Élite
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Re: Referring to unmatched trigger bet and price movement
« Reply #1 on: 10 May 2013, 14:54 »
you would have to use the bu_backp (for unmatched back bet) or bu_layp (for unmatched lay bet)
for the back bet
and selections back price is equal or less than r_ticks(bu_backp,-1)
for the lay bet
and selections lay price is equal or less than r_ticks(bu_layp,1)
if you are using the remember then set it to remember selections bets

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Re: Referring to unmatched trigger bet and price movement
« Reply #2 on: 10 May 2013, 14:59 »
I would suggest similar to mcbee but if you did not want to use remember:
Trigger A Number of Runs is greater than 0
and selection’s back price is equal or less than r_ticks(bu_backp, -1)
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: Referring to unmatched trigger bet and price movement
« Reply #3 on: 10 May 2013, 16:36 »
Thank you!


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