Author Topic: Remembered price not recognized sometimes (triggers file attached)  (Read 4621 times)

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First, please see at screnshot:

You see, one time it says  "saved price: PREV_13.50" (PREV user variable not recognized), another time it says "saved price: 3.70" - eg it does recognize PREV user variable.

Please see attached triggers file used for test.

Any idea?


  • Élite
  • Posts: 3698
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you have only given part of the log details.
was there a log for   Checking condition and Global User Variables PREV are set.
try moving the condition
and  global user variable  PREV  are set
to the first position in the conditions, as this will be checked first, so if the variable PREV is not recognized it should wait until it is before writing to the log.
in my very short time of testing there were no error's

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Ok, here is first log - when prices are saved:

Next screenshot - tried to read prices (see time when this trigger ticked - not before first one):

And finally another one with no prices recognized:

  • Élite
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sorry but i run many bots for betting so i cannot do any testing until some bots are released.
but it looks like your PREV is not recording the prices in the first trigger.
this may be due to you not having the condition
    and selections back price is greater than 1.01.
you do have every selections back price is greater than 0 , but this condition is just 1 action and not an action for each selection seperate,
in your log all that is been shown/given is the price of the selections and NOT the recorded price.
by putting   price saved:[back_price] , all that it is saving to the log is the price it see's for the selection as it saves to log.
if you are using the triggers for steamer and drifter , do you select 1 or more selections for betting.

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Hi mcbee.

>> but it looks like your PREV is not recording the prices in the first trigger.

Yes, it looks so - that is why I have reported a bug, but no one believes me that it looks more like a bug and not like me not understanding what I'm doing.

>> this may be due to you not having the condition
>>    and selections back price is greater than 1.01.

Ok, nowhere in documentation it says that back prices are not saved if they are not greater then 1.0 (eg, 1.01 or higher).

If it shows "price saved:[back_price]", then it passes the trigger conditions. If it does, then it must save these prices into PREV with using "remember" action. I'm calling "write to log" and "remember" in the same trigger, so they must be processed both or none of them, am I correct? In other words, if log is showed, then price is recorded (both actions are processed because trigger conditions are met).

So it looks like we have 2 questions here:
1. Does it save prices with "remember" action always, or it does so only when prices are between 1.01 and 1000?
2. How can it not remember prices but write to log - how can it do one action but not do another action, while all trigger conditions are met and all trigger's actions must be processed?

>> you do have every selections back price is greater than 0 , but this condition is just 1 action and not an action for each selection separate.

I now have Every Selection Back Price is greater then 0, so it must be true for every selection, but the problem persists.

>> by putting   price saved:[back_price] , all that it is saving to the log is the price it see's for the selection as it saves to log.

This is logical. BUT, again, I have both "remember" and "write to log" actions in the same trigger, so I expect either both of them to be processed or none of them. So if it shows "price saved" log then trigger conditions are met, so I expect it to save all prices into PREV.

>> if you are using the triggers for steamer and drifter , do you select 1 or more selections for betting.

It usually selects more then 1 selection for betting.

mcbee, thanks for your help and advice!

  • Élite
  • Posts: 3698
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here is my steamer from some time back.
look and learn at how the remember function should be used for this type of remembering.
this places the bet if the selection has a steam of 15% or more and that the selection has the highest steam %.


link removed
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Thanks, looking into it.

-- You save prices when Market Status is Idle or Suspended

So it does have price when market status is Suspended? Interesting, I did not know.

-- You use .5 for minutes before the off

Very interesting, I did not find in the help that short notation can be used, eg .5


Anyhow, here is my updated trigger and I still experience problems (see attached).


Prices saving:

Prices checking:

  • Élite
  • Posts: 3698
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the .5 can be anything from -(whatever) to whatever
the trigger is set to 3 mins ie- the setting 3.05
so change this to 11 if that is your timing
i have triggers that use times from 11 am to 3 mins and back bet at 1 secound before the start time.
the remember  rem1_market_id  stores ALL the selections info.
open the user variable screen
as you can see it remembers everthing that you need and more.
the 1 is for the fav poss at the time of the recording, so change the 1 to 2 for 2nd fav etc

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Ok, yes, it does save, but the problem still persists. It outputs PREV_xxxx time to time. I've reported it to support center with screenshots and triggers file.


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