  • #1 by paulw on 29 Dec 2015
  • This should be simple and it's driving me nuts. I have rtfm several times.

    I have a trigger that pinpoints a runner  early in the market leadup. This is passed to Excel and processed. I send the runners name to Excel for my own records.  I can send the unique betfair id to Excel also.

    So the trigger is in 2 parts.
    Send data to Excel of identified runner
    Excel calculates
    Back the runner earlier identified,

    So in my betting trigger conditions as a condition I want to say  (for example) "and selections sel_index is equal to cell_excelsheet_A1"

    But the trigger doesn't have that option. It only has sel_ID which is not unique and when several markets are overlapping I'm getting 'ghost bets.'

    I have tried 'remember mysels' then 'and selections name is equal to mysels_sel_name but it's not matching.

    It works with sel_ID because that variable is available in trigger condtions

    "And selections INDEX is equal to cell_excelsheet_A1"

    It should be simple. It WILL be simple!
    At ten minutes out identify a runner. In Play bet on that runner.

    But I've gone around in circles because obviously I'm missing a basic concept. I can feel a DUH coming on.... :(

  • #2 by LarpHager on 29 Dec 2015
  • Hi

    First trigger. write to Excel Text "sel_name" Cell Address Sheet1!A1.

    second trigger. Back/lay etc   
    and Selections trigger expression "sel_name" is equal to cell_Sheet1_A1

    • LarpHager
  • #3 by MarkV on 29 Dec 2015
  • Hi
    Larp is correct with sel_name
    sel_index refers to the display order of selections in a Betfair market
    the same with:
    and selections index is ....

    sel_id is unique to that specific selection in all markets that same selection appears in, i.e Win, Place, Egg & Spoon :-) etc.