  • #1 by londolozi on 12 Dec 2011
  • I have tried several methods to 'remember' the balance of my account but no trigger only remembers once.

    I have tried total_won without success (account period set to 0). 'balance' returns current balance and that is fine.

    I have tried a remember trigger, 'at only one time' but it changes every market??

    Has any one successfully remembered your start balance from the beginning of your trading period? Your suggestion is appreciated.

    My goal is have a remember trigger remember my opening balance at the start of trading, say 21:00 local. Using a user variable if balance - open balance when throughout the night (eg. 03:00 next day) the P/L reaches a limit trading stop. Invoke via my back or lay triggers.
  • #2 by Tim (WellDoneSoft) on 13 Dec 2011
  • You need to "set user variable".
    The "remember" is for selections.
  • #3 by mcbee on 13 Dec 2011
  • hi
    new trigger
    set user variable  name (startbank or whatever)
    value   IF(test_mode=1,test_balance,balance)
    one time only

    in your betting trigger
    and total_won is less than (the name you gave the bank variable)*1.10

    the *1.10 will bet until your bank has increased to 10% or more
    just change the .10 to whatever percent profit you want to stop betting
    so .01 is 1%,  .25 is 25%

  • #4 by londolozi on 13 Dec 2011
  • Think I may have found the issue.
    I called the user variable start_balance
    As balance is a propriety word it always reported the balance.

    See what happens
  • #5 by londolozi on 13 Dec 2011
  • Thanks Mcbee and Welldone.
    Seems I used the remember trigger incorrectly.

    After all that I don't like the stop-at-profit-for-day plan.

    As an almost 24hr punter these is no line in the sand as far as turnover goes.
    You could win back all the days loses in the next hour. As long as the long term results keep nudging up I'll stay 24/7