  • #1 by rubold on 13 Sep 2011
  • I have been running a successful football trigger for about 2 months.  Yesterday evening while trading 2 matches, the matched bets kept disappearing from the list and randomly reappeared some time later.   This caused a problem because I have trade-out triggers which stopped operating and I also have a trigger that deletes any untraded markets at a specific time.  This trigger deleted these markets because there were no matched bets in the list.

    I suspect this may be a Betfair problem, but since I have never experienced it before, I thought I would ask if there is a known explanation.
  • #2 by Ronaldinho on 13 Sep 2011
  • Hi.

    You can write a trigger that  will remember when they are  matched-unmatched bets. I combine it  with others triggers.
    • Ronaldinho
  • #3 by Tim (WellDoneSoft) on 13 Sep 2011
  • Please check your monitoring options and requests limit - seems like sometimes MF pro doesn't receive the list of bets.
  • #4 by peleus on 17 Nov 2013
  • I think it has a limit set on it but I juts can't verify this though.