  • #1 by sendandreturn74 on 16 Aug 2018
  • Hi,

    Been using MFP for a while now. Got a trigger that I have run for the first time ever one two matches simultaneously.

    Quick Q...

    Does the trigger treat each match independently, for example, if part of the trigger cancels all bets 20 seconds after detecting a matched bet in one match, will that affect only the game in question, or both?


  • #2 by mcbee on 16 Aug 2018
  • hi
    if they are in the same market , yes.
    you could set the trigger to cancel bets that was triggered by a certain trigger.
    in your cancel bets trigger you would have a condition.
    and trigger (the name of your betting trigger) number of runs per selection is greater than 0.

    this should only cancel those that were selected by (the name of your betting trigger)
