Author Topic: Text rules  (Read 2293 times)

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Text rules
« on: 02 Oct 2015, 23:46 »
I struggle with the inconsistent way we need to handle text in the various modules.
Please correct me where needed.

Trigger condittions.
Using one word, no "" is need.
Example: Market contains World

Using two words " " is needed
Example: Market contain "World Cup"

Market Locator file list:
Using one word, no "" is need.
Example: Market contains World

Using two words, no "" is needed. Same as for one word.
Example: Markets name is in the file
Text file contains: World Cup 2015

Market Locator raw conditions (not using a text file):
Using one word, no "" is need.
Example: Market contains World

Using two or more words " " is needed
Example: Market contains "World Cup"

Thank you
Improvise Adapt Overcome

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Re: Text rules
« Reply #1 on: 04 Oct 2015, 11:02 »
I have checked the cases you listed, please see below:

Trigger condittions.

Better to use double quotes at all times when you're working with text, such as selections' or markets' names, even if there are no spaces in between the words in the text pattern. Example: 

Market's Name contains "World"

Market Locator file list:

Better to use double quotes at all times.

Market Locator raw conditions (not using a text file):

Double quotes are not needed - at the moment.

This is where it is different from the above, and I agree it is confusing. I will align this syntax with the rest of the program, so in the next program's version it'll be safe and recommended to use quotes throughout all conditions and trigger expressions.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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