Author Topic: Time after finished  (Read 1569 times)

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Time after finished
« on: 17 Dec 2021, 08:15 »
Gday all

Is it possible to add a time delay to a trigger after settlement of last wager?

I have a trigger where i clear the win/loss history after bets of a set value.

My problem is when certain wagers settle both the carry forward previous loss and clear win/loss history trigger at the same time.

As a result the next wager will carry forward the previous loss as both the "current loss" and the "clear/win loss history" trigger at the same time on settlement of last wager.

If i could delay the "clear win/history" until 3 seconds after last wager settles i believe it will trigger and clear the history rather than carry the loss forward and put the base wager one


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Re: Time after finished
« Reply #1 on: 17 Dec 2021, 17:27 »
try this condition in the trigger that clears win/lose history:

and selections trigger expression (now_time-hist_1_time)/mf_second is greater than 3

hist_1_time is the date and time when the last market was settled
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Re: Time after finished
« Reply #2 on: 19 Dec 2021, 01:34 »
Thanks Mark, ill add it in now


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Re: Time after finished
« Reply #3 on: 19 Dec 2021, 17:32 »
There could be a fault with that condition because hist_1_time is zero until settlement. Perhaps do one of these:

add a condition hist_1_time is greater than 0
and use the same condition


change the condition to:
and selections trigger expression (now_time-hist_1_time)/mf_second is between 3 and 30
this will ensure the formula has a proper value  
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