  • #1 by Oxa (WellDoneSoft) on 21 Oct 2013
  • Copied from a support request:

    I set up labouchere lay trigger and excel files as shown on this page: , but
    trigger executes only once. I added the trigger as pdf in the
    attachment. What should I change so that the trigger would work in every
  • #2 by JohnBJ on 14 May 2014
  • What is the solution to make the trigger execute repeatedly?   
  • #3 by Oxa (WellDoneSoft) on 15 May 2014
  • In general you would set the "Execute" to "no more often than ... sec", and set the repetition interval in seconds.

    If your trigger deals with bets, e.g. checks matched or unmatched bets before doing anything, then the repetition interval should be greater than the interval at which your bets are updated by the program.

    But the context matters a lot, you might want to read this:

    How to repeat actions in the same market
  • #4 by JohnBJ on 15 May 2014
  • Thanks Oxa, but I wasn't referring to repeated action is the same market.

    This trigger doesn't behave like other staking plan triggers found on the MF website;
    For instance, I have 6 consecutive horse races selected in "My Markets".  This trigger will only execute on the first of these 6 races.  How do I make the trigger execute on all 6 races?
  • #5 by Oxa (WellDoneSoft) on 20 May 2014
  • Oh, in this case it is most probable that the conditions in the trigger only get satisfied for that first race, and not for the rest of them. Please check the trigger's logs - one or more conditions must have been FALSE, and there should be information on this in the logs.

    My guess is that the previous triggered market is not settled, if you have this condition in your trigger.