Hi all
Firstly, many thanks nigelbleddfa1, mcbee and MarkV for helping me out so promptly with this problem. I did try and send screenshots to mcbee as requested, but could not find a way to get the file sizes small enough to get below the attachment limit and they failed to send each time
No matter, as with your combined help I seem to have solved the difficulty and, as is often the case, it was due to a small detail. MarkV, the screen shot and test trigger were great. I had not worked out that you can keep the Active Trigger window open and on top. I knew how to open it up at the bottom of the screen on version 6. Anyway, with this open I could see the trigger command line flash green to show the trigger was executing and the log file confirmed it had worked. I then tried changing the setting to repeat not just once, but a set number of times and it worked each time. However, it was when I changed repeat to 'no more often than' that it did not work. Now, with the old version of the program when you used that command you could leave the secs as 0.00. Clearly, that is not the case in version 7 and was the key to my problem. I changed that to 2 secs and the trigger fired. I changed the trigger contents to something else to place a test back bet and it worked, so that was the root cause. Nevertheless, rather confusingly, when I hover the mouse over the green bulb in the market screen it still shows the message 'Turn triggers on for this market', the same as it does when the bulb is red. But in the end, the trigger was indeed active, as suggested by the green bulb symbol, but it was not having a time period in the repeat line was where it failed.
By the way, I mentioned that I could not get the latest software to successfully connect to Excel so that I could read data from the spreadsheet within the triggers I have devised. In case others have experienced similar difficulties, it may be worth mentioning that I finally solved that problem by: 1. Turning off Windows Defender; 2. Turning off Windows Firewall; and 3. Altering the settings within the firewall of my anti-virus software to allow inbound and outbound connections both for Marketfeeder and Excel.
Anyway, thanks to all again. With backup and support like this as well as the scope and flexibility that the software offers, it just confirms to me that Marketfeeder really is the best betting bot on the market!