Author Topic: Trigger Log not recording  (Read 3067 times)

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Trigger Log not recording
« on: 27 Nov 2014, 04:53 »
I'm trialling MFP - great potential. I have constructed a trigger and the Account Statement and Program logs are recording but the trigger Log just shows [Error]

I've tried clearing the logs and made sure the trigger names don't contain anything except alphabetic characters.

I'm at a loss.

15:15:04 [ERROR]

15:15:04 [ERROR]

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Re: Trigger Log not recording
« Reply #1 on: 27 Nov 2014, 07:24 »
Have you ticked the boxes in Settings/Betting Options?

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Re: Trigger Log not recording
« Reply #2 on: 27 Nov 2014, 13:57 »
can you include the trigger, so that i can see what the problem is.

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Re: Trigger Log not recording
« Reply #3 on: 28 Nov 2014, 03:22 »
Hi Weston, it would be really nice if you can post the trigger if this is still not working for you.
Bots are lifesavers.

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Re: Trigger Log not recording - solved - thank you
« Reply #4 on: 28 Nov 2014, 09:11 »
Have you ticked the boxes in Settings/Betting Options?

I'm going to make a new trigger now called DUH! Or Faceplant! 
Thank you. I had NOT ticked the boxes.

RTFM fail...

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Re: Trigger Log not recording
« Reply #5 on: 12 Feb 2015, 05:39 »
It was DUH factor... didn't have the log option turned on... Facepalm....


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