Author Topic: Unexplained freezing of markets/triggering/etc  (Read 7469 times)

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Unexplained freezing of markets/triggering/etc
« on: 07 Aug 2021, 20:04 »

has anyone else had problems with MFP just stopping?
The only clue I have that it has happened is that bets are not being placed and markets are not updating.
The other clue is the little "updating" progress bars under "Available Funds" & "Statement" are permanently there.
Rebooting the program fixes the problem until it happens again later on.
It has happened twice today so far and I had at least one occurrence yesterday.

Is anyone else having this problem?

I am using the latest version in test mode with today's UK horse racing loaded.
Selections are being read from a file and I am writing the selection's BSP to another file.
I have just turned off "Update Statement" in the settings to see if that helps.




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Re: Unexplained freezing of markets/triggering/etc
« Reply #1 on: 08 Aug 2021, 01:03 »
Same problem being encountered last few weeks.

For me, it seems my VPN exit server was "down" because if I exit MFP and come back in on a different exit server, the problem is fixed.

Hope that helps you too.


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Re: Unexplained freezing of markets/triggering/etc
« Reply #2 on: 09 Aug 2021, 18:39 »
Happened again today - stopped working whilst monitoring the 18:25 at Ripon.
Refreshing statements was turned off in the settings.

Yet again, the "updating" progress bar under available funds was permanently flashing as in it was continuously updating the figure displayed.

So, is there an issue in MFP (or getting the BF data) as it updates these figures?
Seems a coincidence the "update progress" bars should always be displayed when it locks up!



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Re: Unexplained freezing of markets/triggering/etc
« Reply #3 on: 01 Sep 2021, 14:32 »
Has happened again just about every day now.

It pains me to say this but it is now not fit for purpose.
The point of a bot is automation - that is hardly true if it keep locking up!
This is incredibly frustrating for what has until now been an excellent product.

If Welldone want to build a "debug" version of the bot that I can run for them on my PC to determine why it keep locking up I am more than willing to do so.

As I keep saying, it always stops working when the "barbers pole" under the Available Funds is displayed.
A clue perhaps?


a frustrated Wez 

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Re: Unexplained freezing of markets/triggering/etc
« Reply #4 on: 01 Sep 2021, 17:28 »
Just happened again....

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Re: Unexplained freezing of markets/triggering/etc
« Reply #5 on: 01 Sep 2021, 18:57 »
This does sound like a communication issue with Betfair servers as the "barbers pole" stops when the program cannot contact the server for getting an updated statement. I checked the Betfair API status page and also Betfair Customer Services Twitter feed and there are no reported problems today.

Also the same symptoms were described in reply#1 in this topic and it was an internet problem there which was resolved. 

Some things you can try:

Are there any red error messages in your program log after the problem happens?

After you have checked the log, perhaps manually delete the log files in the Profile. See point 3 here.

I think it could be worth trying a fresh Profile with the default settings (i.e. do not clone the Profile you are using) which you can then change the settings to what you want. See if that helps.

Are you on a VPS or a local router? If you are on a router confirm your internet is working reliably.

Hope this helps.

Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: Unexplained freezing of markets/triggering/etc
« Reply #6 on: 01 Sep 2021, 22:41 »
Hi Mark,

Thanks for the response.

MFP is running on a Windows 10 PC at home which is hardwired to the router. i.e. No VPN or Wi-Fi involved.
When there are internet issues, a browser normally opens saying "Your Hub requires attention".
That didn't happen today or yesterday so I can only assume the internet service is okay.

I cleared down all the log files when this first became a problem because it seems to be a regular suggestion to fix problems!

There are some errors in the log files. Details below.

I suppose the question I have is why these "communication errors" stop the program from working fully?
Some bits work and others don't, notably interaction with the market in that triggers stop working.

On rebooting MFP, it reloads "my markets" but the market window is empty for all the markets prior to the current time.  However, the P/L figures for the markets are presented in the top left window.  So why does all the previous market data not reload and yet the P/L figure for that market does?

2 errors in the program log from today.  This pretty much ties in time-wise to when I noticed the "lock-up".

17:35:37Error while refreshing the market "Horse Racing / GB / Worcester 1st Sep / 17:35 Worcester 1st Sep - 2m NHF". ; Empty response from exchange; markets: "1.187054524";
17:35:38Error while refreshing the market "Horse Racing / GB / Worcester 1st Sep / 17:35 Worcester 1st Sep - 2m NHF". ; Empty response from exchange; markets: "1.187054524";

And this is from Monday

15:04:12Error while getting available funds: Empty response from exchange
15:05:48Error while refreshing the market "Horse Racing / GB / Cartmel 30th Aug / 14:55 Cartmel 30th Aug - 3m1f Hcap Hrd". ; Empty response from exchange; markets: "1.186991200";
15:06:31Error while getting available funds: Empty response from exchange
15:07:14Error while refreshing the market "Horse Racing / GB / Ripon 30th Aug / 15:05 Ripon 30th Aug - 6f Listed". ; Empty response from exchange; markets: "1.186991508";
15:08:34Error while refreshing the market "Horse Racing / GB / Cartmel 30th Aug / 14:55 Cartmel 30th Aug - 3m1f Hcap Hrd". ; Empty response from exchange; markets: "1.186991200";
I will try the "fresh" profile suggestion tomorrow,

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Re: Unexplained freezing of markets/triggering/etc
« Reply #7 on: 01 Sep 2021, 22:42 »
Sorry, P/L is in the top right window - doh!

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Re: Unexplained freezing of markets/triggering/etc
« Reply #8 on: 02 Sep 2021, 13:55 »
Hi Wez

OK, the log entries are narrowing it down.  " Empty response from exchange" suggests your connection to Betfair is good but is intermittently not picking up the market data.

I tried to generate the same error by refreshing a market and switching off the router and then on again. It is a bit hit and miss and only once did I get " Empty response from exchange" at the moment when the router reconnected. All other times the market started refreshing again normally as soon as internet was re-established.

I can't assist further as this probably needs developer input. In one of your your earlier posts you mentioned a debug version, and I think this exists. If you are still getting these problems I think it would be best if you opened a support ticket, and perhaps refer them to this topic as well.

Sorry I could not resolve it for you.
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: Unexplained freezing of markets/triggering/etc
« Reply #9 on: 02 Sep 2021, 22:00 »
Hi Mark,

I created a new profile as suggested and today I haven't had the freezing issue :)
Early days I know but early indications are promising!
If I suffer from the problem again I will raise a ticket as suggested.

Thanks for your suggestions - you may have resolved it after all (hopefully not famous last words!)



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Re: Unexplained freezing of markets/triggering/etc
« Reply #10 on: 03 Sep 2021, 14:37 »
Try to cleanup your logs. Probably you've got a lot of files and Windows slows down MarketFeeder when it reads them.
Proud to be 🇺🇦
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Re: Unexplained freezing of markets/triggering/etc
« Reply #11 on: 03 Sep 2021, 17:27 »
Freeze happened again today.
I am going to clear out ALL logs (as suggested) and purge old profiles tonight to see if that helps tomorrow



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Re: Unexplained freezing of markets/triggering/etc
« Reply #12 on: 03 Sep 2021, 20:25 »
Ive been getting the same problem for weeks now, same error as you on the logs, if i try and run two profiles at once just freezes straight away:(

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Re: Unexplained freezing of markets/triggering/etc
« Reply #13 on: 04 Sep 2021, 15:44 »
Froze again today at ~15:45 - however, this time there are NO errors in the program log.

The plot thickens....

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Re: Unexplained freezing of markets/triggering/etc
« Reply #14 on: 04 Sep 2021, 15:59 »
Just frozen again almost immediately :(

Out of interest, I have another instance of MFP running on a Windows 8.1 laptop and that hasn't had the same problem.
This was done to try and diagnose the problem (obvs!).
It is connected to the same router (but using wi-fi) as the Windows 10 computer (hard wired to the router).

I am going to try running MFP using the Windows 8 compatibility setting on the Windows 10 computer to see if that helps.
I will report back later.




Please note, BetFair is seems to be currently OFFLINE