Hi, all
My name is Jim Patrick, actually i have been testing all triggers but none seems to whistand an account of $100.
What i know from now is that HiLo is a game of probability.
what is the probability of CARD 1 to win having the odds of BACK =1.29 and for LAY =1.31, so the probability to win is = 1/1.29 we have P=0.77519 or simply Pw =0.7752 and the probability to lose is Pl=1-0.7752=0.2248
in summary for CARD 1 or Further : Pw=0.7752 and Pl=0.2248
For the game Hilo to respect this probability there is question we have to ask to ourself, how can we bring the probability of winning to 0 or the probability of lose to 0. the only way is by multiplying each event by the probability so we will have
on this Pattern: WWW
for the pattern of : WWWWWWWWWW
we can see how our probability goes towards 0 and if our probability goes towards 0 therefor we will have a sure lost in the next game.
the question is how many consecutive events should i have for card 1 or further to be 0,
actually the probability can never be 0 but tend to 0.
Betfair says that if and event has the odd of 1000 therefore this event will never occur again which automatically imply a probability of Pn=1/1000= 0.001
BUT THIS IS NOT TRUE, Betfair are just lying to us what they use it is not that.
as example:
if the probability of the event that cannot occur any more is 0.001 we are sure that the next event will be a winner, we can now calculate how many consecutive WINS or LOST we should have for that event to occur.
Pw1=0.7752 and Pl1=0.2248
how many consecutive win we should have for card 1 or further to have the odd of 1000 or the probability of 0.001
N=log10(0.001)/log10(0.7752) =27.12 there we have 27 consecutive events for card 1 to turn into the odd of 1000. it means that the 28th game CARD 1 or further will LOSE no matter its ODD.
if you look at the record of 11/08/2012 at 04:20 till 11/08/2012 at 06:01 Card 1 or further won 36 times.
which correspond to the ODD of 9550 close to 10000.
with this ODD of 10000 lets calculate the event for CARD 2 or Further.
Pw2=1/1.73=0.578, hence we have
N=log10(0.0001)/log10(0.578)=16.8 almost 17 but actually there are events of cards 2 that go up to 18, I repeat BETFAIR are not respecting there starting rules.
For CARD 3 or Further it goes up to 14 consecutive wins.
Playing with this probability you will see that by betting for a long term you’ll always come to lose you will never win, which make all strategies to fail no matter how you design them.
For more info i will be available to respond also.
Jim Patrick