Author Topic: Need some help with trgger please! :/  (Read 2505 times)

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Need some help with trgger please! :/
« on: 21 Aug 2011, 19:05 »
Hi there, could someone tell me how to make a trigger for HOLDEM that backs or lays for example, the least favorite hand (at preflop), after the least favorite hand (whatever hand that was at preflop) won the previous game? They can be different hands!
I’ve tried everything and nothing works. It just ignores who won the previous hand and keeps making bets. The last settings I’ve tried after searching the forums for similar questions were:

Selections: Probable loser
Conditions: Probable loser previous result is winner.

Selections: Probable loser
Conditions: Selection’s consecutive wins is equal or greater than 1

They both do exactly the same, the keep making bets when the least favorite lost the previous game, in fact it was never ahead in any round.

Many thanks in advance.


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