Author Topic: Poker strategy back-dutch-conds trigger failed on DEAD HEAT  (Read 3843 times)

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I have downloaded from the website for Poker strategy back-dutch-conds trigger as attached, which Back Dutch on the first two favourites at Preflop in Poker with loss recoupment .
However, it failed when encounter a DEAD HEAT situation.

IF(last_pl < 0, current_loss - last_pl, IF(current_loss > loss_portion, current_loss - loss_portion, 0))

IF either of the back dutch won,
the last_pl is positive, the IF loop will return a current_loss="0".

IF both of the back dutch loss,
it return a negative last_pl that is added to the current_loss.

IF a DEAD HEAT encountered,
a +ve value of the winning is much lesser than the amount_to_win+current_loss(ie at least 50% or less), therefore, this +ve amount did not cover the calculated losses. But, the IF loop take it as +ve value and return a current_loss='0', which is wrong.

I have tried many ways, such as the following which sound logically right, but, it just could NOT work.

IF(last_pl < (last_lost+amount_to_win), current_loss - last_pl, IF(current_loss > loss_portion, current_loss - loss_portion, 0))

FYI: Your could find a DEAD HEAT result status at Poker turbo Time machine dated 05/08/2011 at Game 580.

I have worked on this for a few days now still getting nowhere.
If someone could help, it would be much appreciated.

  • All members
  • Posts: 2
I have forgotten to add in the link from the website, which you could download the trigger,which is Poker strategy back-dutch-conds trigger, but it failed on DEAD HEAT, which is common in Poker game. This is the link.

If any of you could fix this BUG, it will help prevent X-Feeder members from the DEAD HEAT losses. This will  definitely benefit All members of X-Feeder who is currently using it or planning to use it.



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