Author Topic: Simple Trigger - Big Headache!!!!  (Read 4014 times)

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Simple Trigger - Big Headache!!!!
« on: 30 Jul 2010, 13:24 »
I'm trying to test a simple trigger but not even X-Feeder support can fix this one and it's driving me nuts and I'm sure it's something simple like the order of the conditions or the logical expression.

Back Player 1 OR Player 2 OR Player 3 OR Player 4 if it has Blackjack AND NOT if Dealer has an Ace.

Dead simple but can I get it right  ??? >:(

Support sent me a fixed trigger which pretty much says the same as my trigger but in a different order and that doesn't do what it's supposed to either.

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Re: Simple Trigger - Big Headache!!!!
« Reply #1 on: 06 Aug 2010, 14:39 »
I don't know what exactly the support sent you, but I'm 100% sure that they are competent and that you maybe could re-phrase it somehow to help them understand your needs better.

I am attaching a trigger file here, and a snapshot of the game situation in which the trigger will back. Hope it does what you want, otherwise please attach a screenshot of the game where you would bet.

I'm assuming you want to bet in round 3. If not, please change the round yourself.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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