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Triggered betting / trigger
« Last post by DANIEL ASPLEY on 07 Sep 2024, 11:25 »
Any chance you could reply to messages
Think I've figured this out, just tested winner_name on settled markets which is returning the name of the winner so I should be able to add a condition to test if the trigger has ran in this market and if so record the winners name.
Troubleshooting / Trigger?
« Last post by Art Vandelay on 06 Sep 2024, 13:52 »
I lodged a request for a trigger on 24 July and have yet to receive a response.

I appreciate everyone takes their holidays around this time of year and I don't want to come across as a dickhead, but six weeks with no reply? Not even to answer my polite request for an update two weeks ago?

If the trigger request can't be completed for any reason, is there any chance I can get my 9 quid back please?

Troubleshooting / matching an unmatched be after a set amount of time
« Last post by wehey on 06 Sep 2024, 10:38 »
hiya all.
im sure theres an easy solution but I cant figure it out.
I would like an unmatched bet to be cancelled and matched at the best price after it has been sat unmatched for a set amount of seconds (25 maybe)
Thanks :)

So I looked at the manual and it says I can return the winners name from the previously settled market using pw_1_sel_name. However, I'm looking for the winners name from a previous market that a specific trigger has ran on so could I use pw_1_sel_name and a condition to find that my trigger has fired on this specific market?? Cheers.
Здравствуйте, подскажите, как проверить соответствие условия для ставки дважды(трижды), как это прописать в триггере?
Troubleshooting / Re: Trying to get rid of pop up
« Last post by MarkV on 04 Sep 2024, 15:22 »
Can't see the screenshot. But try opening a new Profile from the login screen and unticking those settings you mentioned. 
Troubleshooting / Re: Trying to get rid of pop up
« Last post by mikejcshaw on 04 Sep 2024, 14:51 »
Here's the screen shot
Troubleshooting / Trying to get rid of pop up
« Last post by mikejcshaw on 04 Sep 2024, 14:49 »
The attached keeps popping up. I'm running in TEST mode and 'show a pop up' and 'request a confirmation' tickboxes are unchecked under General Settings. How do I stop it. I only get the win/lose notification, nothing else.

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