I'm looking for some help please with a fill or kill trigger I'm using as part of my back bets trigger, using the "Compulsory matching at any price available" part of the block.
Its been working fine until today, the issue "seems" to be I had 2 markets close in time to each other.
1st market had not been settled before the 2nd market went off so am I correct in thinking the 2nd market back bet did
work as MFPRO saw the earlier unsettled bet as being matched already?
Trigger log: Number of runs per selection is greater than 0
Condition is: False
The following triggers after this event all went as expected - all triggered ok
If this is what happened because of a timing issue is there a way to settle the earlier market by checking its status?
I think the 1st race was finished but was just waiting to be officially settled.
I am not using any staking plan or triggers depending on an earlier event needed to be settled
Or if there is something I am missing any help or advice would be appreciated
Please see attached trigger - my refresh rate is 0.30
Thanks in advance