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Немного сложновато запомнить что-то перед событием :)
Но можно так:
back_price + pdiff_((now_time-last_suspend)*MF_MINUTE)

К текущему коэффициенту прибавляет разность к коэффициенту Х минут ранее, где Х - время с момента приостановки матча.
Естественно в условиях триггера нужно проверить, что счет изменился.
Но этот способ достаточно неточный.
Можно запоминать состояние рынка (действие "Запомнить") каждую минуту и выполнять нужное действие, если счет изменился, используя запомненное состояние.
подскажите, как запомнить последний кеф ЗА перед голом или может есть переменная?
Time Machine / Re: No free markets
« Last post by Tim (WellDoneSoft) on 21 Jul 2024, 21:56 »
Hi, there. I've got the same issue as many others. I've just started the free trial and I can't see any free markets. Can someone help please? Thanks.
Must be fixed now. Please try again. Thank you.
Triggered betting / Soccer trigger - market correct score
« Last post by Talha on 21 Jul 2024, 21:24 »

You could make the following Soccer trigger - market correct score

- Correct score market great liquidity (over 5K) and the back book is low (not more than
   115%, but the lower the better)
- Skip heavy favourites (1.01-1.15)
- Dutch the 7 scores, sorted by odds: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 10th, 17th and
   18th favourite scores
- Use the stakes from dutching calculator (The profit is the same on all results)
- Bets are placed just before the start of the match (two minutes before kick-off)
- Use a flat stake (2% from the bank)

In the attachment is an example of manual entry of odds into the calculator (Excel table)

If you still need any information for a better understanding, let me know.

Troubleshooting / Re: Why the trigger does not start...
« Last post by Talha on 21 Jul 2024, 21:00 »
I solved the problem by first opening the program without the trigger. Then I opened the program with the trigger mentioned above again and closed the first one (without trigger). And it's running smoothly right now. Bok also tried as you described MarkV. I'll let you know when I try.

Thank you and best regards
Time Machine / Re: No free markets
« Last post by magictom123 on 21 Jul 2024, 12:06 »
Hi, there.

I've got the same issue as many others.  I've just started the free trial and I can't see any free markets.  Can someone help please?  Thanks.
Troubleshooting / Re: Why the trigger does not start...
« Last post by MarkV on 21 Jul 2024, 10:14 »
Try this:
close the program
delete all the files in this folder:
c:\Users\%username%\MarketFeeder Pro 8\profiles\%profile name%\logs\
%username% is your Windows username
%profile name% is the profile name in this case: lay-horses-form  
restart the program and see if the problem is fixed
Troubleshooting / Re: Why the trigger does not start...
« Last post by Talha on 20 Jul 2024, 17:26 »
This trigger doesn't want to turn on like it used to:

I tried this trigger, and it works normally:

I tried doing what you wrote Tim (WellDoneSoft)  but it doesn't work. I did not change the trigger settings at lay the form.
Troubleshooting / Re: Why the trigger does not start...
« Last post by Tim (WellDoneSoft) on 20 Jul 2024, 17:06 »
Please follow instructions:

  • Switch test mode ON!
  • Delete all markets from My markets (as they are finished)
  • Add some markets to My Markets. Make sure you add markets are actually used in your triggers - sport / market type / etc.
  • Make sure the markets are refreshing. Start them manually or better set to start each X minutes before the off (X should be enough, depends on your triggers) within the program settings -> monitoring tab
  • Make sure the triggering switch is on (a "bulb" button within the Triggers link should be green)
  • Wait for the moment your triggers should fire. Open Triggers window (as on your screenshot) and watch each trigger's messages - there should be a reason the trigger is not firing.
Bug reports and suggestions / Re: View old graphics.
« Last post by Tim (WellDoneSoft) on 20 Jul 2024, 16:58 »

Sorry for inconveniences - the chart generation process stuck.
The charts must be there now.
Thank you for your purchase.
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Please note, BetFair is seems to be currently OFFLINE