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Triggered betting / Re: Problem with timing of calculations
« Last post by djmotion on 17 Oct 2024, 16:17 »
Setting Variables (this sets the variables manually in case there was an error and I had to restart the program)

set user variable
Name: rec_amount (amount of money to recover) Value: rec1 Globally
set user variable
Name: lss_count (number of losses so far) Value: rec2 Globally

One Time Only (No Conditions)

After a win

set user variable
Name: rec_amount Value: 0 Globally
set user variable
Name: lss_count value: 0 Globally
Once per market
Markets Settled P/L > 0

After a Loss

Set user variable
Name: rec_amount Value: rec_amount - market settled p/l Globally
set user variable
Name: lss_count Value: lss_count + 1 Globally
Once per market
Markets settled p/l < 0

Place a Lay bet

Lay ... Price: lay_price ... Amount: rec_amount + (lss_count*trg_pft) + trg_pft Take SP
First Matching Selection
Once Per Market
All Except Settled
Markets minutes before the off is between 0 and 5
and selections lay price is equal or less than max_price
AND Trigger Place a Lay Bet number of runs in the market is less than max_bet overall
or previous triggered event status is settled
Triggered betting / Re: Problem with timing of calculations
« Last post by djmotion on 17 Oct 2024, 16:07 »
May be easier if you can see the triggers that I've got so I'll list them out :)
Triggered betting / Re: Problem with timing of calculations
« Last post by djmotion on 17 Oct 2024, 15:55 »
Hi Mark. I have something similar set up but it's still doing it. I have a variable max_bet which is set at 1 then in the trigger condition for the bet, I have trigger number of runs in the market < max_bet or previous triggered event is settled so the next bet is being triggered when the event is settled but it seems like the calculations aren't being completed before the next bet is placed if the minutes before off is between 0 and 5
Triggered betting / Re: Problem with timing of calculations
« Last post by MarkV on 17 Oct 2024, 15:50 »
Have a look at Item 3 here
It functions as a lock which will let the next bet be placed only if the previous bet has been settled. There is a downloadable template trigger from the link.   

Triggered betting / Problem with timing of calculations
« Last post by djmotion on 17 Oct 2024, 15:10 »
Hey so I'm doing a recovery staking plan that calculates the next stake on settlement of the previous bet and places the next bet between 0 and 5 mins before the off. If the previous event finishes within 0 and 5 mins before the next event starts, I'm having trouble with the system not calculating the next stake before the next bet is placed so it places the same amount as the previous bet if it lost and then if the next bet wins, it resets to 0 for the loss pot so I'm losing money. 

What's the best way to ensure the calculation has been completed before the next bet is placed, cheers?
Troubleshooting / Re: Back different amounts based on price
« Last post by Matt Marsh on 16 Oct 2024, 20:17 »
Great, will try that out
Thank you
Troubleshooting / Re: Back different amounts based on price
« Last post by MarkV on 16 Oct 2024, 18:20 »
Try this trigger. Add your conditions for import etc. Set price ranges and bank percentages in the constants.
Please test in test mode.
Bug reports and suggestions / Re: Can't See the Charts
« Last post by Arkadiusz Grześkowiak on 15 Oct 2024, 21:50 »
Thx a lot! 

Best regards for You.
Bug reports and suggestions / Re: Can't See the Charts
« Last post by Arkadiusz Grześkowiak on 15 Oct 2024, 12:31 »
But to talk to them i need to know what restrictions they must remove.
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