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Troubleshooting / Back different amounts based on price
« Last post by Matt Marsh on 15 Oct 2024, 08:33 »
I would like to know if there is an existing trigger or a link / help with the following please.
Back different amounts from a percentage of bank and on the price of the selection.
Similar to the Maria Lay Staking but for backing, I tried to modify to backing but without success.
After importing my selections, I would like to back:
3% of bank on the selections between 1.7 and 2.29
2% between 2.30 and 3.0
1.5% between 3.10 and 7.00
1% between 7.01 and 10.0
0.5% over 10

Bug reports and suggestions / Re: Can't See the Charts
« Last post by Tim (WellDoneSoft) on 14 Oct 2024, 18:38 »
Ask BetFair support to eliminate the restrictions applied to your account.
Bug reports and suggestions / Can't See the Charts
« Last post by Arkadiusz GrzeĊ›kowiak on 13 Oct 2024, 18:50 »

I can't see any lines, no movements, no percentages are shown anywhere. How to fix this problem ?
Troubleshooting / Re: Time of day trigger
« Last post by Neal Chambers on 13 Oct 2024, 08:01 »
Thank you 🙏 
Troubleshooting / Re: Time of day trigger
« Last post by MarkV on 12 Oct 2024, 14:25 »
Say you want the trigger to stop at 8pm add this condition to the trigger in question:
and global current time is less than 20:00

or you could use a time range for when you want the trigger to fire:
and global current time is between 07:30 and 20:00
Troubleshooting / Time of day trigger
« Last post by Neal Chambers on 12 Oct 2024, 10:20 »
Hi there, is it possible to have a single trigger within a block of triggers to not fire after a certain time of the day?
Thanks in advance
Troubleshooting / Re: FOOTBALL SCORES
« Last post by jannesamuelsson on 10 Oct 2024, 10:03 »
Yes I have the same problem , Sorry to say but you can't trust the feature with the scores from MF Pro It's just rubbish.
I tried to build a system build around the current score last winter and even in the big leagues lika Premier League the scores
was accurate on Betfairs website but was missing in the MF pro bot and in some games it was missing sometimes and correct sometimes
so it probably a bug thats still there.
Troubleshooting / Re: FOOTBALL SCORES
« Last post by Luis Miguel on 05 Oct 2024, 15:31 »
I have automation in football based on the result of the game.
Currently I notice that on Saturdays and Sundays around this time, MF PRO does not show the result in any game, therefore, the automation does not work.
Anyone else having this problem.
All results will appear on the betfair website at this time.
Troubleshooting / Re: Volume not stable on the ladder screen
« Last post by DANIEL ASPLEY on 04 Oct 2024, 14:59 »
Why couldnt you have got back to me explaining that it needed to be modified instead of keeping me waiting for ten weeks ignoring my tickets then canceling my order
Suggestions / Re: ROUNDING function
« Last post by MarkV on 30 Sep 2024, 20:16 »
In the interim rounding can be done without decimal places

if you not seen them here are a couple of other ideas

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